0203 538 8655 | 07971856582 info@thelandscapedesignstudio.com

Driveway Design in South London

My brief for this project was to create a simple, low maintenance, modern looking frontage that was both practical while at the same time enhanced the houses kerb appeal. We started by demolishing the existing front garden/driveway in its entirety in order to re-position the retaining stock brick walls and entrance piers. Bespoke Sandstone wall copings, pier capps and a house sign were fabricated in order to contrast nicely against the mellow bricks. The driveway edging and up stands were laid with Sandstone setts and the main driveway parking areas were segmented using a mixture of gravel and dark Porcelain tiles. We used matching Sandstone setts to create two apron areas leading to the road and completed the finishing touches by designing an entirely new planting and lighting scheme.

Location: Keston, Kent

Main Materials: Porcelain tiles (sandblasted), stock brick walls and piers with stone copings and cappings, Sandstone edging setts and amber flint gravel

Contact Us


The Landscape Design Studio Ltd
One Elmfield Park
Kent, BR1 1LU




0203 538 8655
07971 856582

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